Application Form for International Students


1. Personal Details

Title: Mr./Mrs./Miss/Other 

Name in English 



postal code  

Home Tel and (or) Fax 



Date of birth 

Marital status   single       married 


2. Specialty in which you are interested , 

such as basic theory, diagnostics, prescription, acupuncture, moxibution, qigong, (tuina) massage, materia medica, internal medicine, etc.

Proposed date of entry and how long you wish to study here

4. Proficiency in English   proficient  common  not so good

5. Current qualifications master bachelor university stillsenior middle school  

Current qualification awarding institution

Specialty      Diploma awarded date 

6. More demands here for you. Also please let us know more information about your group that will attend our study program.


Please check if you have written your complete email address correctly before submitting your application. Thanks.