
Mustard Seed (bai jie zi)
Sinapis Albae
It is acrid in flavour and warm in nature. It acts on the
lung channel. Its warmness can resolve phlegm and
acridness can disperse and promote the flow of Qi. It is
wandering about in nature, so it can clear obstructions in
the channels to relieve pain, subside swelling and
congestion, hence it is indicated in treatment of
obstructing functional activities of Qi by phlegm, cough,
asthma, chest tightness or obstruction of the channels by
phlegm, numbness and pain in joints and extremities.
Resolving phlegm and promoting the circulation of Qi,
subsiding swelling and congestion.
For treatment of internal accumulation of
phlegm-dampness, obstruction of functional activities of
Qi by phlegm, cough with abundant expectoration, chest
tightness and anorexia, it is usually combined with
Fructus perillae, semen Raphani in order to resolving phlegm and
reliving fullness: For treatment of
fluid :Cretention in chest and hypochondrium , asthma,
fullness and pain in hypochondrium, it can be used in
combination with Radix Euphorbiae Kansui, Radix Euphorbiae
Pekinensis, and other phlegm-removing and water retention
dispelling drugs.
For treatment of numbness and pain of joints and
extremities due to obstruction in channels by
phlegm-dampness, it is usually used together with Myrrha,
Cortex Cinnamomi, Radix Aucklandiae, and other drugs
having the effects of resolving phlegm and clcaring
congestion and obstruction in the channels, to relieve
pain; For treatment of cold abscess and mycotic lesion or
abscess due to cold of insufficiency type in both blood
and Qi systems, it is frequently used together with Herba
Ephedrae, Cortex Cinnamomi, Colla Cornus Cervi, Radix
Rehmanniae Praeparata, and other drugs in order to warm
Yang and enrich the blood, clear phlegm and stagnancy,
such as Yanghe Tang.
and Administration: 3-10g
for making decoction. Suitable amount for external
Contraindicated in
hypersensitive skin when used externally.
If you want to
place the order of this
herb, please
email us.