properties: It
is acrid in flavour, warm in nature and toxic. It acts on
the spleen, stomach and lung channels. It is acrid
dispersing woarm and desicating. It can promote
circulation of Qi and eliminate dampness. It acts in
spleen and lung and is able to eliminate dampness and
activate the spleen to clear away phlegm, thus it is
applicable for treatment of cough and asthma due to
dampphlegm, cold phlegm, retention of dampness and stasis
in middle-jiao. Because it acts in spleen and lung, it can
regulate the stomach and lower the adverse Qi to stop
vomiting and eliminate stasis. Hence it is indicated in
vomiting due to adverse flow of Qi caused by failure of
descending of stomach-qi, stasis and distention due to
cold and heat.
Effects: Clearing
dampness to reduce phlegm, lowering the adverse Qi to stop
1. For treatment
of water retention due to hyofunction of spleen,
phlegm-dampness, cough with profuse sputum, chest tighness
and greasy tongue fur, it is usually used in combination
with Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Poria, Radix
Glycyrrhizae to clear dampness and phlegm, regulate the
flow of Qi and strengthen the spleen, such as Erchen Tang;
For treatment of retention of cold dampness in the lung
with thin sputum and white greasy tongue fur, it is
usually used together with Herba Asari, Rhizoma Zingiberis, and others to warm the lung and remove the
dampness; For treatment of cough due to phlegm and heat,
with abundant yellowish sputum, and fur and red tongue, it
should be used together with Radix Scutellariae, Fructus
Trichosanthis, Arisaema cum Bile, and other heat-phlegm
clearing drugs.
2. For treatment
of nausea and vomiting due to stagnation of
phlegm-dampness, failure of desending of the stomach-qi,
it is usually used in combination with Rhizoma Zingiberis
Recens to remove dampness for reducing phlegm, regulate
the stomach for stopping vomiting, such as Xiao Banxia
Tang. Besides, it can cure vomiting due to stomach-heat
when used together with Rhizoma Coptidis, vomiting due to
deficiency syndrome of the stomach when used together with
Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae, and vomiting of pregnancy when
used together with Caulis Perillae.
3. For treatment
of intermixed cold and heat, chest and epigastric
disfention, vomiting and diarrhea, it is usually used in
combination with Rhizoma Zingiberis, Radix Scutellariae,
Rhizomz Coptidis to regulate cold and heat simultaneously
and relieving congestion. For treatment of in termixed
phlegm and heat, epigastric fullness and tenderness, i. e.
syndrome of accumulation of phlegm and heat in the chest,
it is often used in combination with Fructus Trichosanthis, Rhizoma
Coptidis, and other drugs with the
effects of clearing heat-phlegm, relieving the stuffiness
of the chest and congestion.
Besides, when the
fresh herb is used externally, it has the function of
subsidence of swelling. Therefore, it is applicable in
treatment of septicemic carbuncle and furuncle.
and Administration:
5-10g. When applied externally, suitable amount is used.
It is incompatible with Radix Aconiti.

For the
convenience of customers, we offer the Pinellia
Tuber (ban
xia) as
the quick-dissolving granule made through modern
sachet is equivalent to raw herb 10 grams.
The dosage is for
adults, one sachet each time, once a day. Please
put the granule into a cup, then put 50-100ml
boiling water into the cup and stir it with spoon.
You will get some tea, drink it when it is luke-warm.
For children, the dosage should be reduced according
to the weight.
Air ship 50 sachets of
in the form of quick-dissolving granule for your
personal use now at $98.00.
If you would like to
order this raw herb, please go to
the order form.