The herb is sweet and salty in flavour, and slightly cold
in nature. It acts on the liver, gallbladder, kidney and
urinary bladder channels. Being sweet and tasteless for
inducing diuresis and excreting dampness, salty for
softening hard masses, and slightly cold for clearing
heat, the herb can eliminate damp-heat, treat stranguria
and jaundice. It is particularly good at softening hard
masses and removing urinary calculus. Therefore, the herb
is often used to treat stranguria due to heat, stranguria
caused by urinary stone, jaundice due to damp-heat, and
calculus of the liver and gallbladder.
Inducing diuresis to treat, stranguria, urinary calculus
and jaundice.
1. To treat
stranguria due to heat, the herb can be used in
combination with bamboo leaf, plantain seed, ricepaper
pith and other drugs for inducing diuresis and treating
stranguria. To treat stranguria from urolithiasis or
urinary stone, the herb can be used alone, with a large
dose of its decoction, or in combination with climbing
fern spore, chickden's gizzard-skin and other herbs for
softening hard masses, removing urinary calculus, inducing
diuresis and treating stranguria, such as Erjin Paishi
2. The herb can be
used in combination with oriental wormwood, curcuma root,
capejasmine fruit and other herbs for clearing heat,
dampness and jaundice, to treat damp-heat in the liver and
gallbladder marked by jaundice; and with curcuma root,
bupleurum root, immature bitter orange, oriental wormwood
and other herbs for normalizing functions of the
gallbladder and removing urinary calculus, to treat
calculus of the liver and gallbladder.
In addition, with
its effects of clearing heat and toxic substances, the
herb can be orally taken and externally applied to treat
sore, carbuncle, suppurative infections and poisonous
Dosage and
Administration: 30-60g,
Doubled if it is used fresh.

For the
convenience of customers, we offer the Lysimachia
qian cao)