Seed (yu li ren)
Pungent, bitter and sweet in
flavour, neutral in nature, it acts on spleen, large and
small intestine channels. Sweet and neutral for moistening
and loosening the bowels, and pungent for releasing
flatulence and fullness, the herb is suitable for patients
with constipation caused by stagnation in bowels, and
depletion of body fluid. It is also effective on edema and
difficulty in micturition.
Moistening the bowels to relieve constipation and inducing
diuresis to eliminate edema.
1. For Constipation due to dryness of
intestine and abdominal distention, it is often used in
combination with arborvitae seed (Semen Biotae), apricot
kernel (Semen Armeniacae Armarum), peach kernel (Semen
Persicae), tangerine peel (Peri deficiencarpium Cifri
Reticulatae), as in Pill of Five Kernels.
2. For edema with ascites and
difficulty in micturition, or edema due to constipation
and difficulty in micturition, it is often used in
combination with kansuiroot (Radix Euphorbiae Kansui),
rhubarb and other purgatives, for edema caused by
deficiency of spleen, white atractylodes rhizome (Rhizoma
Atractylodis Macrocephalae) and poria (Poria) are used in
Dosage and Administration: 3-12g,
it is cracked and decocted in water or made into pills or
It should be given cautiously for pregnant women.

For the
convenience of customers, we offer the
Seed (yu li ren)
as the quick-dissolving granule made through modern technology.
sachet is equivalent to raw herb 10 grams.
The dosage is for
adults, one sachet each time, twice a day. Please
put the granule into a cup, then put 50-100ml
boiling water into the cup and stir it with spoon.
You will get some tea, drink it when it is luke-warm.
For children, the dosage should be reduced according
to the weight.
Air ship 50 sachets of Bush-Cherry
Seed (yu li ren)