Honey (feng mi)
It is sweet in flavour, neutral in nature, and
acts on the lung, spleen and large intestine
channels. Being sweet, neutral and moist in
quality for restoring Qi and moistening dryness,
it is always a good tonic with effects of
strengthening the middle-jiao, relieving spasm,
alleviating pain, moistening the lung to arrest
cough, and relaxing the bowel to relieve
constipation. It is indicated for cold of
insufficiency type in the middle-jiao, gastric
pain, consumptive diseases, lingering cough,
dryness in the bowels and constipation, and for
old people and those patients with weakened boy
resistance due to chronic diseaes.
Strengthening the middle-jiao, relieving spasm,
moistening the lung to arrest cough and relaxing
the bowel to relieve constipation.
1. For dryness of
the lung and dry cough or consumptive diseases
and lingering cough, it is often used in
combination with ginseng, dried rehmannia root,
poria and other herbs for invigorating Qi and
nourishing Yin.
2. For cold of
insufficiency type in the middle-jiao and cold
pain in the stomach and abdomen, the drug is
often used in combination with peony root,
liqucorice, cinnamom twig and other herbs for
warming the middle-jiao and alleviation pain.
3. For impairment
of the body fluid, dryness in the bowels and
constipation, the drug can be used solely
following its infusion with hot boiled water, or
in combination with Chinese angelica root, hemp
seed and other herbs for relaxing the bowle to
relieve constipation.
In addition, it can
also be used to treat intoxication of Sichuan
aconite root and prepared aconite root.
Dosage and Administration:
15-30g. Taken following infusion with hot boiled
water, or used in pill, powder of soft extract.