Traditional Chinese Medicine is a very good
solution for scleroderma treatment.
The payment
for hospitalization
could be made after the improvement is seen.
If you are able to fly to
China to our hospital for TCM treatment, we will do the
best to help you.
Please check the video on youku or
Please check the video on
Result Report For Scleroderma
----- Original Message -----
Sunday, March 18, 2012 8:55 AM
HIS Excellency Mr Hua Jianmin
President of China Red Cross Society
My dear Excellence the Chinese Red Cross Society's President
Subject 1: Dr Zhu Ming The TCMT Leader of the Zhongfang Red
Cross International Hospital Zhongfang county, Huaihua city,
Hunan Province China
Good day Sir
With the great respect I'm asking your kind permission
to introduce ourselves to your excellency as Jordanians my daughter Miss
Sa'ida Walid Sayyed & myself Walid Alsayyed
coming to China after mutual emaile between the honest
sincere tcmtreatment @ Dr Zhu Ming The President of the Zhongfang Red Cross Hospital.
my daughter was suffering of Progressive Systemic
Disease with which my daughter lived 13 years of
tormenting days of various complaining (The Western Doctors called this disease
is Hopeless disease.)
My daughter & myself surprised, happy, lucky &
appreciating your great efforts in supporting Dr Zhu
Ming the TCM scientist, honest, professional, spiritual qualified, polite , cooperative and patient with the
hospital patients, on the other hand your great support
to the TCMT Zhongfang Red Cross International Hospital
by your own plan & policy will increase the spreading
knowledge of the beautiful power without side effects
the TCMT.
my dear sir
The beautiful power , the professional enamels , the
keen care and the experience of Dr Zhu Ming our friend
successfully cured my daughter from her disease about 85% when we left the hospital on
13.02.2012 and with continuing taking the herbal tea
which we took with us today the 17.03.2012 the progress
increased to more than 95 %.
On behalf of my daughter & myself we have the great
pleasure to congratulate
The Great President of China,
The Prime Minister of China
The President of Chinese Red Cross Society
The President of Hunan Red Cross Society,
The President of Huaihua Red cross society,
The President of Zhongfang Red Cross Society,
The great success of Zhongfang Red Cross International
Hospital under the leading of Dr Zhu Ming & his teams.
I'm optimistic more supporting will re put the smile on
the mouth lips of those patients suffering from the health problem
diseases. Thank you all thank you Great China
faithfully yours
Brief Summary:
On November 25,
2011, Sayyed, from Jordan who had been suffering skin impediment
in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) or systemic sclerosis in
the concept of western medicine, accompanied by tight skin,
mouth-opening with difficulty and stiff fingers and toes for 13
years, was hospitalized in our hospital. She achieved
significant improvement after 80 days TCM treatment.
Record of
Sayyed Sex: Female
31 Marital
Status: Unmarried
Jordanese Date of Admission:
Nov. 25, 2011
Her Father
First Medical Record
Nov. 26, 2011 Time: 10:00
This 31-year-old lady
had been suffering from skin impediment, accompanied by tight
skin, mouth-opening with difficulty and still fingers and toes
for 13 years. The patient was hospitalized in our hospital for
TCM treatment at 20 pm on November 25, 2011.
Essential for Diagnosis:
1. The patient had been
suffering from tight skin, mouth-opening with difficulty and
stiff fingers and toes for 13 years.
2. The patient
complained of swelling sense of the four limbs, tight and itchy
skin without any evident cause 13 years ago. About 2 month
later, she felt a little bit tired when opened her mouth. The
mouth was dry and she also had swallowing problem. The joints of
the fingers and toes became tight. She took the treatment for
anti-allergy at the local hospital. The problem of itchy skin
changed better after the treatment, but other conditions did not
show evident improvement. Her conditions were aggravated year
after year. Skin of face, fingers and toes became dry and
atrophic and then became hard with decreased elasticity. The
skin of both hands and feet became purple. Her mouth could only
open half. There was occasional ulcer in her tongue, fingers,
toes and the tip of the elbows. The stool was dry for one or two
times a day. After suffered the disease, her weight was down for
10kg. On October 9, 2011, Sayyed took the treatment of herbal
tea shipped from our hospital. She felt better somewhat. It was
easier for her to open her mouth. And the stool was not dry any
more, with one or two times a day.
3. When Sayyed came to
our hospital, she suffered from stiff sense over the whole
general body, especially over the joints of fingers and toes.
There was atrophy of the facial skin with bad elasticity. She
still felt exhausted to open her mouth. She could not grip her
fist tightly. There were burning pains on the upper abdomen and
when she was hungry, the pains became worse. She liked to press
the pain points. There was much saliva when she was in bed. She
had night sweating and much sweat on her hand. She had bad
spirit and sleep. The stool was one or two times a day.
Urination was normal with no night urination.
4. T: 36.5¡ãC R: 20
times/minute P: 70 times/minute BP: 110/70mmHg
5. The patient was of
chronic and sick complexion with stiff facial expression. She
grew normally with a little bit plump body. Her nose-wing became
small and sharp. Elasticity of her facial skin was bad and it
was hard. She could not open her mouth fully. The tongue could
not stretch out completely. The external ears were thin. The
abdomen was soft. There were pressing pains below the
ensisternum and the belly button. The color of the hands and
elbow tips was purple. There was muscle atrophy around the
joints of elbows and knees. Her fists could not hold tightly.
The joints of fingers and toes were of stiffness, especially of
the finger joints. There was slight edema on the front part of
both shins. The tongue body shortened with yellow tongue
coating. The pulse was weak and thready.
Diagnostic Basis:
The patient¡¯s conditions of tight, atrophic and itchy skin,
swelling sense and stiffness of the joints of fingers and toes
pertained to skin impediment. The invasion sites of the disease
were lungs, stomach and kidneys. The tightness of the skin, the
skin atrophy, itchy sense, dry throat, swallowing problem,
burning pains in the stomach and night sweating were due to the
yin-deficiency of lung and stomach. The kidneys were in charge
of the bones. Due to the yin deficiency, the kidneys lost the
control of the bones and failed to produce marrow, therefore,
the quality of the bones was damaged, and the joints were still
with restrained motions. Purple skin and stiff sense were due to
the stagnation of blood and blockage of the channels. So, her
conditions could be diagnosed as skin impediment, due to the
deficiency of lungs, stomach and kidneys and the stagnation of
blood and blockage of channels.
Western Medicine:
First, she suffered from tight skin, swallowing problem and
stiff joints of the fingers and toes for 13 years. Secondly, the
patient felt stiff sense over her whole body. It was not easy
for her to open her mouth. There was burning pains in the
gastric cavity and the pains became worse when she was hungry.
She also had night sweating and much head sweat. And thirdly,
there was atrophy over the skin of her face, fingers, toes and
elbows. The elasticity of those parts was bad. Skin around her
lips was of hardness. The joints of her fingers and toes were of
stiffness. Her fists could not hold tightly. There were some
pressing pains on her abdomen and slight edema on the front part
of her shins.
Skin impediment is usually differentiated from Bi impediment.
Both may have the symptom of stiff joints. But the main
character of Bi impediment is pain. So, it is easy to
differentiate them.
Western Medicine
Skin impediment should be differentiated with rheumatoid
arthritis. Both diseases may have the problem of stiff joints of
fingers and toes, but the stiffness of the latter usually
happens in the morning with the main symptom of pain. Therefore,
there is no difficulty to differentiate them.
First Diagnosis:
TCM: Skin impediment.
Symptom identification:
the deficiency of lungs, stomach and kidneys and the
stagnation of blood and blockage of channels.
Western medicine
diagnosis: Systemic sclerosis.
Treatment strategy and
1. Routine care of
traditional Chinese internal medicine.
2. Grade
3. Soft diet.
4. Pathogenesis: the
deficiency of lungs, stomach and kidneys and the stagnation of
blood and blockage of channels.
5. TCM strategy:
nourishing yin and clearing heat, promoting blood
circulation and removing blood stasis.
6. Herbal tea: one
dosage a day and drink twice
7. Acupuncture and
massage: once a day
8. Have more medical
examination if necessary.
Date: Nov.
26, 2011 Time:
Doctor Zhu Ming paid a
visit to the patient. The patient complained of tight skin,
difficulty to open her mouth, accompanied by stiff joints of the
fingers and toes for 13 years. She suffered from stiff sense
over the whole general body, especially over the joints of
fingers and toes. There was atrophy of the facial skin with bad
elasticity. She felt exhausted to open her mouth. She could not
grip her fist tightly. There were burning pains on the upper
abdomen and when she was hungry, the pains became worse. She
lied to press the pain points. There was much saliva when she
was in bed. She had night sweating and much sweat on her head.
She had bad spirit and sleep. The bowel movement was once or two
times a day. Urination was normal with no night urination. The
patient was of chronic and sick complexion with stiff facial
expression. Her nose-wing became small and sharp. Elasticity of
her facial skin was bad and it was hard. She could not open her
mouth fully. The tongue could not stretch out completely. The
external ears were thin. The abdomen was soft. There were
pressing pains below the ensisternum and the belly button. The
color of the hands and elbow tips was purple. There was muscle
atrophy around the joints of elbows and knees. Her fists could
hold tightly. The joints of fingers and toes were of stiffness,
especially of the fingers joints. There was slight edema on the
front part of both shins. The tongue body shortened with yellow
tongue coating. The pulse was weak and thready.
From the
view of TCM, Zhu Ming, the doctor thought that the case of the
patient could be diagnosed as skin impediment, due to the
deficiency of lungs, stomach and kidneys and the stagnation of
blood and blockage of channels. The treatment strategy for it
would be to nourish yin and clear heat, promote blood
circulation as well as remove blood stasis.
Dec. 1, 2011 Time:
10:00 am
The patient said there
was some improvement in the burning pains in the gastric cavity
even though there still were some hidden pains. Other conditions
were same as above-mentioned. The examination report of the
patient in her local hospital presented that she also suffered
from chronic enteritis and chronic gastritis. For the climate,
the doctors advised the patient to wear enough clothes to keep
Date: Dec. 4,
2011 Time: 10:00 am
The patient still felt
burning sense in the gastric cavity without pains. There were
pressing pains around the belly button. The right thumb was
cold. The tongue was red with yellow tongue coating. The pulse
was sunken and weak. The doctor asked her to soak her hands and
feet with hot water for 30 minutes before sleep.
Date: Dec. 7,
2011 Time: 10:00 am
The patient felt no
burning pains in the gastric cavity any more, but there still
pressing pains around the belly button. She felt cold on the
right thumb. The tongue was red with yellow tongue coating. The
pulse was weak and sunken. The doctors asked her to soak her
hands in the traditional Chinese medicine water from today on.
Date: Dec. 10,
2011 Time: 10:00 am
The patient said cold
feeling on the right thumb changed better. Pressing pains were
still there around the belly button. Sleep was good. Urination
and bowel movement were normal. She felt dryness in the mouth,
due to the use of air conditioner the whole day long. The doctor
asked her to drink enough water. Besides, there were pains on
the center line of both sides of the legs.
Date: Dec. 13,
2011 Time: 10:00 am
Sayyed said cold hands
changed better obviously. There were pressing pains around the
belly button. The pains on the legs were reduced. Today¡¯s
routine examination reports presented that there were parasites
in her stool. The tongue was red with yellow tongue coating. The
pulse was sunken and weak.
Date: Dec. 16,
2011 Time: 10:00 am
The patient said there
were no burning sense and pains in the gastric cavity. There
still were pressing pains around the belly button, while she did
not feel painful if not pressed it. Both hands still felt cold,
and the skin of the hands became purple and hands became numb if
the hands were cold. The fingers were still stiff.
Date: Dec. 19,
2011 Time: 10:00 am
The patient complained
of abdominal distention and increased pains around the belly
button. The stool was normal with no diarrhea and constipation.
Date: Dec. 22,
2011 Time: 10:00 am
The patient said pains
around her belly button were reduced. Urination and bowel
movement were normal. There was no burning sense in the gastric
cavity. The mouth was not dry. Appetite was not good. Cold hands
were better, but still stiff. The tongue was red with yellow and
slightly greasy tongue coating. The pulse was thready and
sunken, but more powerful than before. The doctor advised her to
pay attention to her diet, and to take meals on time.
Date: Dec. 25,
2011 Time: 10:00 am
Till today, Sayyed had
been hospitalized for treatment in our hospital for 30 days.
Skin over her face and hands was softer than before. Cold hands
changed better. The ulcer face of the fingers and toes gradually
healed. She still suffered from mouth opening problem and mouth
ulcer. There were pressing pains around the belly button. Her
mouth was not dry. Her spirit was good. The urine and stool were
normal. The tongue was red with yellow and greasy tongue
coating. The pulse was weak and thready.
Date: Dec. 28,
2011 Time: 10:00 am
The patient said there
was improvement in the stiffness of the fingers and mouth
opening. Appetite was better. Pains around the belly button were
reduced. The tongue was red with yellow and greasy tongue
Date: Dec.30,
2011 Time: 10:00 am
Professor Zhang Xiukui
paid a visit to the patient. The patient said the symptoms of
tight skin, cold fingers and toes and stiffness were better than
before. There was no burning sense in the gastric cavity now.
But there still were pressing pains on the abdomen. She still
felt hard to open her mouth and suffered from mouth ulcer.
Professor Zhang thought the treatment for the patient would be
nourishing yin and clearing heat as well as promoting blood
circulation and removing blood stasis.
Date: Jan. 1,
2012 Time: 10:00
Due to the powder of the
herb of Sanqi, the patient felt difficulty in drinking the
herbal tea.
Date: Jan. 4,
2012 Time: 10:00
The patient complained
of belching and vomiting. Other conditions were the same as
before. The tongue was red with yellow tongue coating. The pulse
was weak and thready.
Date: Jan. 7,
2012 Time: 10:00
The patient said the
belching disappeared. Skin was softer than before. She was easy
to open her mouth. The tongue was red with yellow tongue
coating. The pulse was weak and thready.
Date: Jan. 10,
2012 Time: 8:30 am
The patient said she had
abdominal distention since the afternoon of yesterday. There was
burning sense in the gastric cavity with no belching and
diarrhea. The stool was yellow and soft. After taking the
product of beans yesterday morning, she felt abdominal
distention and then, her appetite was not good. She did not eat
anything since yesterday morning till now.
Date: Jan. 11,
2012 Time: 10:00 am
Abdominal distention was
not reduced. Her appetite was a little better. She caught cough
this morning.
Date: Jan. 12,
2012 Time: 10:00 am
The patient complained
of abdominal distention and burning sense in the gastric cavity.
The doctor advised her to take more green vegetables.
Date: Jan. 13,
2012 Time: 10:00 am
The patient complained
of abdominal distention and burning sense in the gastric cavity.
The tongue was red with thin and yellow tongue coating. The
pulse was wiry.
Date: Jan. 14,
2012 Time: 10:00 am
The patient complained
of abdominal distention and burning sense in the gastric cavity.
There was no bowel movement the whole day long. The tongue was
red with thin and yellow tongue coating. The pulse was wiry.
Date: Jan. 15,
2012 Time: 10:00 am
The patient complained
of abdominal distention and burning sense in the gastric cavity.
Today she had bowel movement in the morning, without diarrhea.
The tongue was red with thin and yellow tongue coating. The
pulse was wiry.
Date: Jan. 17,
2012 Time: 10:00 am
Today, Doctor Zhu Ming
paid a visit to the patient the patient complained of abdominal
distention and burning sense in the gastric cavity since the
afternoon of the ninth of this month. There were pains and
occasional belching, but no diarrhea. The stool was yellow and
soft. The abdomen was soft and there were pressing pains under
the ensisternum and around the belly button. The tongue was red
with yellow tongue coating. The pulse was wiry and thready.
Date: Jan. 19,
2012 Time: 10:00 am
Abdominal pains were
Date: Jan. 20,
2012 Time: 10:00 am
The patient felt better
today. And the abdominal pains were reduced.
Date: Jan. 23,
2012 Time: 10:00 am
Abdominal pains were
reduced. Urination and bowel movement were normal. The pulse was
wiry. The tongue was red with yellow tongue coating.
Date: Jan. 26,
2012 Time: 10:00 am
The patient said burning
sense and pains in the stomach disappeared. But there still were
abdominal pains. The stool was normal with once a day. Skin,
especially of the four limbs was cold. The pulse was weak. The
tongue body was a little bit atrophic.
Date: Jan. 30, 2012
Time: 9:30 am
The patient complained
of dizziness yesterday night. She had menses starting from
yesterday. The condition of dizziness might be caused by the
blood vacuity of the brain. The tongue was red with yellow
tongue coating. The pulse was thready and wiry.
Date: Feb. 1,
2012 Time: 9:00 am
The patient said there
was no dizziness, burning sense in the stomach, abdominal
distention or belching any more. Even though around the belly
button, there still were pressing pains, but they were
alleviated a lot. Today was the fourth day of her period,
without any obvious dysmenorrheal. Sayyed also said skin over
her hands and face was much softer than before. But, skin over
the tips of her ten fingers was still tight and stiff. The
tongue body was thin. The pulse was thready and wiry.
Date: Feb. 4,
2012 Time: 10:00 am
The uncomfortable
symptoms in the stomach were dispelled. She still had the
problem of mouth opening, even though the facial skin was softer
than before. Skin over the tips of her ten fingers was still
tight and stiff. The tongue body was thin. The pulse was thready
and wiry.
Date: Feb. 7,
2012 Time: 10:00 am
Her conditions were
stable in the recent days without any special discomfort.
Date: Feb. 9,
2012 Time: 10:00 am
The patient complained
of cough, headache, sore throat and nasal blocking this morning.
The tongue was red with yellow tongue coating. The pulse was
wiry, while the pulse of the right hand was a little bit
Date: Feb. 10,
2012 Time: 10:00 am
There still were cough,
nasal blocking, sore throat as well as sweating. The tongue was
red with yellow tongue coating. The pulse was thready.
Date: Feb. 11,
2012 Time: 10:00 am
The patient said sore
throat was better, but there still were nasal blocking and
cough. The tongue was red with yellow tongue coating. The pulse
was thready.
Date: Feb. 13,
2012 Time: 10:00 am
Sayyed still coughed a
little bit without sore throat and nasal blocking. The tongue
was red with yellow tongue coating. The pulse was thready. Due
to the expiration of her visa, she decided to leave the hospital
today. After 80 days treatment in our hospital, the elasticity
of her skin was much better than that before she came to our
hospital. Now her facial expression was natural. She felt easy
to open her mouth now. Her grasping power increased, with 22.7kg
of the right hand and 20.8kg of the left hand. The stiffness of
the skin was alleviated. There was no ulcer surface or waxed
shine over the skin. Cold hands changed warmer. Violet skin was
alleviated. There was no swallowing problem, burning sense in
the gastric cavity as well as abdominal distention. There was no
evident improvement in the pressing pains around the belly
button. Sleep and appetite were good. The shortening symptom of
her tongue was improved. Before she came to our hospital, there
was no sweating in her pals, but now sweating in her palms. Hair
growing over her hands was normal now, but before no.
Doctor¡¯s advice after
leaving hospital:
1. Avoid wind-cold,
maintain good moods, and take care of the diet.
2. Take herbal medicine
back for continuing treatment.
3. Keep doing functional exercises.
latest news from
Sai'da Alsayyed
Original Message
From: Soos Sayyed
Sent: Saturday,
March 17, 2012 4:33
Subject: Re: Miss Sai'da Sayyed - Jordan
Good afternoon ,
Thanks so much for your
kind e-mail. Feel free to put my progress on your website so
that other Scleroderma patients can get the benefits.
have a nice day.
Sai'da Alsayyed
Dear Miss Sai'da Alsayyed,
Thanks so much for your kind email. Nice to hear from you.
Pleased to know your progress. Hope you will get a good recovery
Our pleasure to know your further progress soon.
It is very kind of you. Our stuff miss you very much, too.
By the way, can we put your progress on our website? Thanks a
Wish you a good recovery!
Dr. Ming¡¯s TCM Group
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TCMT(reatment) Group
Zhongfang Red Cross International Hospital,
Dangui Road, Zhongfang County,
Huaihua City, Hunan Province,
Zip code: 418005
Contact Tel: 86 745 2813387(from 8:30 to 16:40 Beijing Time)
Fax: 86 745 2813349
----- Original Message -----
From: Soos Sayyed
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2012 1:13 AM
Subject: Miss Sai'da Sayyed - Jordan
Dear Dr. Ming,
Dear Mrs Polinda,
How are you? Hope you are all very well .
Today is the 30th day since I came back to my home country with
out any massage or acupuncture just the herbal tea I have taken
with me .
It is my pleasure to inform you that I am still improving very
well which made me feel happy to continue with the herbal tea.
As I told you before i left the hospital that my stomachache ,
swallowing difficulty and hurt burn have all been recovered and
they are really stable I can eat all kinds of foods and drinks.
Today I have checked my hand gripping power which has increased
dramatically the right hand became 36 Kg and the left one became
29 Kg which means that I can close them better than before.
Plz. Pass my warm greetings to Dr. Jasmine , Dr. Christal , Eva
, Candy and Angela we miss them all.
Sai'da Alsayyed
president of Zhongfang Red Cross International Hospital Dr. Zhu
Dr Ming , good day my Dr
pleased to tell you that I 'm planning to circularize how
Tcmtreatment curative me from my 14 tormenting years from the
herbal tea at home twice daily & 11 weeks in Zhongfang Red Cross
international hospital getting the comprehensive treatment
message acupuncture oral & external herbal tea curative me by
about 85 % of my scleroderma and and complete my recovery herbal
tea I'm will continue at home.
best regards
Dear my colleague Dr. Alhadidi , Mosa
Subject: Your patient ( Miss Sayyed , Sai¡¯da
Sender : Dr. Ming , Zhu
Dear Sir,
First of all, I thank you very much for your
exerted efforts in treating your patient Miss. Sayyed Sai¡¯da
since 1998 using western medicine.
I am glad to tell you that your patient Miss
Sayyed Sai¡¯da had contacted us through e-mails telling us about
her case. So we sent her ( herbal tea especially prepared for
her case ) to drink it at home for one month starting from 25
Oct. 2011 . After a month she was hospitalized in our Chinese
hospital On 26 Nov. 2011 continuing her comprehensive treatment
for her scleroderma (acupuncture , oral herbal tea , soaking
herbal tea and massage ) . She has started to recover more than
80% .
- Her hurt burn had totally disappeared.
- Her swallowing difficulty disappeared.
- Her hands gripping power were stronger than
before the right hand was 8.4 and now it is 22.7 while the left
hand was 14.4 and then increased into 20.8.
- The skin of her hands became softer than
- The mouth opening was very small but now it
is bigger than before.
- Sweating started to appear gradually on her
palms and now they are sweating nearly everyday.
- Hair started to grow normally on her hands
which was not before.
- Her face tightness started to appear much
more relaxed with some wrinkles around her lips when smiling ,
you could notice her smile very clear which we might call it
before ( fixed facial expressions) .
And she is leaving to her home on 13 Feb.
2012 continuing her herbal tea in Jordan.
My dear colleague ,
I myself and my TCM group and the hospital
staff are pleased and have the honor to cooperate with you in
treating chronic and difficult diseases and all other chronic
diseases mentioned in our magazines. Let¡¯s cooperate together to
treat on TCM ( Traditional Chinese Medicine ) bases .
My dear colleague,
Your patient¡¯s father ( Walid Sayyed )
informed me that you are the most famous and the greatest
rheumatologist in Jordan and Middle East. I am sure the future
is promising to build cooperation to treat such chronic
With my
best regards
Dr. Ming,
Enclosures: three magazines
CC. Dr. Abu Hassan , Hashim
CC. Our representative agent Mr. Walid
Muhannad Al-sayyed
Based upon
our very successful help to many scleroderma patients,
scleroderma is now one of the significant focuses of our
Improvement of Scleroderma for Miss B. from USA in Our Hospital,
Huaihua, China.
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Dr. JLO.

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