TCM China:  

Herbal Treatment Of  0131, Scleroderma, India









Dear 0131,

Thank you for your very kind email!

Dear 0131,glad to hear that the medicine is doing well! Ok! We will perpare another 30 days herbal tea and send to you soon! Dear 0131, if you do not mind,please send the payment to the bank account as you did last time,is that ok?

Dear 0131,If there is something we could do for you, please feel free to let us know. Thanks.

Hope to hear from you soon and best wishes!

Dr. Ming

----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2007 7:03 PM
Subject:Greetings from Dr.Ming

Dear Dr Ming

I am well. Medicine is doing well. Degestive system is also fine. Although initialy pain on finger was increase but now it is OK.

Pl send course of herbal tea. ( pl send again amount and bank details for fund transfer).


Dear 0131,

Glad to hear that you have received the herbal tea!

Hope the herbal tea will help you!Please tell us your progress!Many thanks!



----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 11:52 PM
Subject:Greetings from Dr.Ming

Dear Dr Ming,

I have received medicines today. Will tell you progress later.


Dear 0131,

Thanks for your kind letter. We have confirmed the funds in our bank. And your package is under preparing. We will airship it to you soon.


----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 2:07 AM
Subject: Re: From TCM

Pl find attached bank receipt sent to your bank account. Pl send Medicine as soon as possible




Dear 0131,

Thanks so much for your trust and precious time to let us know your health information in details which is very useful and helpful for us go through the correct diagnosis for you, we have checked your health information carefully, we are confident that we could help your scleroderma well.

Dear 0131, from the idea of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), your disease scleroderma  is due to lung and spleen is vacuity and deplete,qi stagnation and blood stasis. Our treatment strategy is to boost the lung,fortify the spleen,move qi and quicken the blood.

Dear 0131,if it is convenient to you, you are warmly welcome to our hospital for the comprehensive treatment which includes herbal tea combined with massage as well as acupuncture; furthermore, we could adjust the formula daily according your reaction flexibly. We are sure the treatment result will be much more better.

Dear 0131, if you are not able to come now, we will prescribe a herbal formula and make it into 30 days herbal tea for you. Is that OK? Thanks.

Hope to hear from you soon and best wishes!

Dr. Ming

record #:3169     submit time:4/16/2007 11:28:57 AM    
Name: 0131
Gender: female
Marriage: Married
Child-bearing: already
Age: 56
Zip Code: 462039
Country: India
Height: 1.55  tall
Weight: 53  in weight
Disease Period: 4  long

great loss of hair
blurred vision
runny nose
thin and white nasal discharge
blockaded sense in the nose
slightly whitish tongue body
tooth-marks on the edges of the tongue
I brush the tongue coating daily
thin tongue coating
thin and white tongue coating
painful neck
spit thick and yellowish phlegm
middle degree difficulty in breathing 
having slight heart problem 
stomach pains
stomach distention
burning stomachache
shrinking sense of the stomach
stomachache likes warmth or warm drinks
stomachache likes pressure on it
wish to vomit
dropping sense of the stomach
painful back with inability or difficulty to stretch or bend the back
aching pains of the shoulders and back
stiff and painful loins due to falling or sprain or hard physical work
stiff four limbs
muscle spasm of the body
tight or spasmodic tendons of the general body 
running pains of the body joints
heavy sense wrapping the body
swollen and painful joints of the arms
swollen and painful joints of the legs
aversion to cold and cold limbs
frequent waking up during sleep
thirst and like drinks
like cold drinks
like hot drinks-
reduced appetite
hunger without desire to eat
yellowish urine-
frequent night urination
powerful pulse
50 to 60 wrist beats per minute
thin pulse body like a thread
string-like pulse (touching the wrist pulse like touching a tight string of a musical instrument)-
dry living environment
optimistic, open-minded and happy
overthinking often
lone and close-minded

Major Complaint:
Food - Bread, pulses, vegetables,rice,milk,curd. Smoke - NO Family member - NO
Laboratory Check:

Other Diseases:
Steroids, Cyclosporin, Nitro glycerine local application) and anti biotics.



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