TCM China:  

Record of Herbal Treatment Of Ms. Overzova, from Turkmenistan Improvement Of SLE










Brief Summary: On March 27, 2017, Ms. OVERZOVA, from Turkmenistan, who had been suffering repeated the red spots on her face and head for 2 years, accompanied with hot flashes and headache, being severe for 1 month. She was hospitalized in our hospital as a patient with Lupus. She achieved great improvement only after 3 months TCM treatment with the help of acupuncture, herbal tea and tuina in our hospital. 

                                 Record of Hospitalization 

Name: Ms. OVERZOVA                                                         Sex: Female

Age: 60                                                                                    Marital Status: Married

Nationality: Turkmenistan                                                         Date of Admission: March 27, 2017

Companion: Her daughter and her husband 


Date: March 28, 2017                                Time: 09:00 a.m.

When she came to our hospital, she suffered from repeated hot flashes and sweating at night, accompanied with headache. She had dry mouth and she preferred the warm water. She was chilly. Her urination and bowel movement were normal. Physical Examination:

T: 36.3°C   R: 20 times/minute    P: 80 times/minute   BP: 120/80mmHg 

The tongue body was slightly white with white coating. The pulse was wiry and rapid.

The patient grew normally with normal body shape. She was alert and cooperative. She had chronic sick facial complexion. There was no sign of yellow sclera or yellowish skin and also no enlargement on the superficial lymph node of her whole body. Facial features were normal without masses, pressing pains. The pupils were round and approximately equal in size. The papillary reaction to light was sensitive. Yet she had blurred vision. There was no sign of deformity over her both ears without secreta. There was no pressing pains and her hearing was normal. There was no congestion in her throat and no enlargement over her thyroid. And the jugular vein was of no engorgement. The appearance of her trachea was good and in the center. Her chest was symmetrical. Sound of breathing in the lungs was clear, without any rhonchi. Rhythm of her heart was 80 times per minute. Heart rate was regular with no murmurs. Her abdomen was soft with slight pressing pains, while no rebound tenderness. There was no sign of deformity over her spine and her four limbs. There was pressing pain over her neck, shoulder and waist. The meningeal irritation sign was negative. There were no pathological reflections, but the physiological reflections existed.

Completed the related examination, three routine inspection, the function of the kidneys and the liver, blood fat, blood sugar, anti-O, RF and IMX..  

Dr. Ming, doctor-in-charge, after researching her case, he made the corresponding treatment strategy according to her condition.

Herbal tea: one dosage a day and drink twice. Combined with acupuncture and massage: once a day

After about 3 months treatment, the patient got a great improvement. The reapted hot flashes, sweating at night and headache almost disappeared. Just slight hot sensation and pain over her finger joints. Lumbar pain was significantly improved. There was no dry or bitter mouth. Her spirit was good. Her appetite was better.

In order to consolidate the effect, the patient took the herbal tea back to continue the treatment.



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