On May 4,
2004, Dr. David from Dublin, Ireland came to Huaihua
for advanced TCM practice.

May 1, 2004, Mr. Fernando from Mexico who suffers
from chronic fatigue syndrome for 18 years, came to
Dr. Ming for the comprehensive treatment.

A writer, Mr. Westby suffering prostate cancer came
to seek TCM treatment with his wife Margarat from
Stockholm, Sweden on April 22, 2004.

Zbigniew (left #1) from Canada and Pharmacist Dr.
Hani (right #3) from Saudi Arabia came to Huaihua to
attend TCM study and practice in March, 2004.

January 18, 2004, Mr. Giacoma from Italy came for
Chinese medicine treatment for his chronic and
complex condition, which was not able to be helped
in USA and Italy for 15 years. He got fantastic and
unexpected recovery here by systematic TCM treatment
for 36 days.
Check details here.
On December 7, 2003, botanist Mr. Bernhard from
Salzburg, Europe is learning Chinese herbal
treatment from Dr. Ming.
An email from Bernhard about us.

On November 15, 2003, physician Dr. Katarina from
Slovakia and pediatrician Dr. Alexandra from Czech
who came to Dr. Ming to learn practice of
traditional Chinese medicine, are chatting with Dr.
Ming and his family members with pleasure.
Dr. Ming visited Austrian Traditional Chinese
Medicine Academy, Vienna in March, 2003.

Dr. Ming is making academic exchange in Natural
Healing School in Munich, Germany in April, 2003.

Dr. Ming was treating patients in Innsbruck, Austria
in April, 2003.

Dr. Ming was treating disabled Mr. A living in
"Famous Personages Living Area" on Alps mountain.

On Dec. 11, 2002, in Beijing University of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dr. Zhu Ming is
researching into the current development status of
TCM in Korea with international students from South
Korea. Dr. Ming is endeavoring to promote
establishing a teaching system in pure English for
international students in China, which is not
available in China now, so that TCM could be
internationalized quickly.

Coming from California, USA, Ms. Pat Martin is
learning TCM theories and clinical practice from Dr.
Ming and other instructors in Huaihua TCM College,
October, 2002. At left is principal Liu Fengji of
Huaihua TCM College.

The international client coming from Indonesia is
accepting TCM acupuncture, massage, herb treatment
in our TCM hospital, September 27, 2002.
At left 2 is well-known old TCM doctor, Professor
Yang Xinyuan.

international client coming from Singapore is
enquiring TCM clinical treatment strategies with Dr.
Ming here, September 14, 2002.

Dr. Bill
Lauman of Saginaw Valley State University in
Michigan, USA, traveled to China to visit Dr. Zhu
Ming in July 2001, exploring the development of
traditional Chinese medicine as well as cooperation
in this field.

In November
2001, two western doctors Wolfgang Gasser and Atussa
Sadri from Austria came to Dr. Ming's hometown
Huaihua to learn theoretical and clinical knowledge
of traditional Chinese medicine. Dr. Ming introduces
TCM for them in English for eighteen weeks in
Huaihua TCM College. They are excited to say that
"Huaihua is a paradise for studying TCM." Many
national television stations, newspapers in China
made reports on this remarkable comment.

international students studying in Shanghai
University of TCM, Robert from Europe and Han
Zhongxu from Korea, love to read Dr. Ming's English
translation, The Medical Classic Of The Yellow

Dr. Zhu Ming
is giving an interview to the well-known
correspondent, Bo Hanbing from the most famous TV
station in China, Hunan Satellite TV Station for his
eminent contributions to introducing TCM knowledge
to the world.

Being a
world-famous expert of Oriental Culture working in
the Wittenberg University, Ohio, Professor Stephen
R. Smith and his son Toby flew from the US to
Huaihua to visit Dr. Ming's family for cultural
exchange in November 2000, bringing congratulations
upon the publication of the English version of The
Medical Classic of The Yellow Emperor (Huang Di Nei
Jing) in the world.

Due to the great international influence of Dr.
Ming, more and more international patients and
scholars are writing emails or calling to Dr. Ming
daily for academic exchanges and medical help. While
more and more international students, doctors who
are interested in TCM are coming here to learn
theoretical and clinical knowledge. Dr. Ming is also
teaching these international students in English in
Huaihua TCM College.
The left picture is that Dr. Ming is responding to
emails and letters from abroad and China. The right
picture is that Dr. Ming is instructing some staff
web science working office.