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Handbook to Chinese Auricular Therapy

Handbook to Chinese Auricular Therapy

Clinical Wonders of Acupuncture-Moxibustion

Clinical Wonders of Acupuncture-Moxibustion

Diseases Treated with Melons Fruits and Vegetables


Chapter I Introduction

I. Development of Vegetarian Therapy

II. Modern Studies of Vegetarian Therapy

III. Clinical Application

IV. Cautions


Chapter II Medical Diseases


1.Common cold (influenza)

2. Cough

3. Injury of internal organs with fever

4. Feiyong (lung abscess)

5. Feilao (pulmonary tuberculosis)

6. Feiwei (atelectasis of the lungs)

7. Feizhang (emphysema of the lungs)

8. Shiyin (aphonia)

9. Hemoptysis

10. Hematemesis

11. Hematochezia (intestinal bleeding)

12. Hematuria (urinary bleeding)

13. Niuxue (nasal bleeding)

14. Hiccups

15. Xiaoke (diabetes mellitus)

16. Constipation

17. Weiwantong (stomachache)

18. Abdominal pain

19. Yege (dysphagia)

20. Vomiting

21. Fanwei (regurgitation of food)

22. Xiexie (diarrhea)

23. Xietong (pain in the flanks)

24. Yingbing(goiter)

25. Edema

26. Emission of semen

27. Impotence

28. Lumbago

29. Xianzheng (epilepsy)

30. Jaundice

31. Bizheng (arthritis)

32. Shujue (summer stroke)

33. Dysentery

34. Intoxication (poisoning)

35. Chest pain

36. Headache

37. Vertigo


Chapter III Surgical Disease

1. Furuncle

2. Yong (carbuncle)

3. Erysipelas

4. Luoli (tuberculosis of the lymph nodes)

5. Ruyong (mastitis)

6. Hemorrhoids

7. Prolapse of the rectum

8. Lianchuang (chronic leg ulcers)

9. Huijue (biliary ascariasis)

10. Eczema of the scrotum

11. External trauma with bleeding


Chapter IV Gynecological Diseases

1. Preceded menstruation

2. Delayed menstruation

3. Yuejing Yanqi (irregular menstruation)

4. Menorrhagia

5. Scanty menstruation

6. Amenorrhea

7. Dysmenorrhea

8. Jingxing Tunu (oral and nasal bleeding during menstruation)

9. Benglou (profuse discharge or dripping of menstruation)

10. Menopausal syndrome

11. Daixiabing (leukorrhagia)

12. Infertility

13. Postpartum oligogalactia

14. Yingting Xiatuo (prolapse of the uterus)

15. Vomiting during pregnancy

16. Pregnant edema

17. Pregnant abdominal pain

18. Threatened abortion

19. Lochiorrhea

20. Preclampsia


Chapter V Pediatric Diseases

1. Cough

2. Diarrhea

3. Anorexia

4. Yini (bed-wetting)

5. Whooping cough

6. Measles

7. Chicken pos

8. Mumps

9. Ekouchuang (thrush)

10. Ganzheng (indigestive malnutrition)

11. Summer fever

12. Rickets

13. Intestinal parasites


Chapter VI Dermatological Diseases

1. Yinzhen (urticaria)

2. Eczema

3. Contact dermatitis

4. Herpes zoster

5. Acne

6. Warts

7. Niupixuan (neurodermatitis)

8. Jiuzhabi (acne rosacea)

9. Songpixuan (psoriasis)

10. Baixiefeng (seborrheic dermatitis)

11. Yangfeng (cutaneous pruritus)

12. Sudumen (prickly heat)

13. Impetigo

14. Chloasma

15. Vitiligo

16. Alopecia areata


Chapter VII Ent Diseases

1. Tianxing Chiyan (conjunctivitis)

2. Glaucoma

3. Night blindness

4. Cataract

5. Nurou Panjing (pterygium)

6. Suppurative otitis media

7. Tinnitus

8. Bizhi (Chronic rhinitis)

9. Biyuan (running nose)

10. Fengre Houbi (sore throat)

11. Xuhuo Houbi (chronic pharyngitis)

12. Gugeng (foreign body in the throat)

13. Toothache


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