Fracture Manipulation Treatment Illustrated (Yuan Fang; Li Zhaoguo)
Chapter 1 Bonesetting Manipulation
Section 1 The History of Bonesetting Manipulation
Section 2 Ancient Bonesetting Manipulation and Fixation Methods
Section 3 Twenty Methods of Bonesetting
Section 4 Several Points About the Syndrome-Differentiation of Bonesetting
Section 5 The Essential Points and Cautions of Bonesetting
Chapter 2 The X-Ray Classification, Physical Deformity and Complications
of Fractures
Section 1 X-Ray Manifestation of Fracture Classification
Section 2 Physical Deformity
Section 3 Common Complications Accompanying Fractures and Dislocations
Chapter 3 Methods of Fixation
Section 1 Fixation Devices in Ancient Times
Section 2 Splint Fixation
Section 3 Plaster-Bandage Fixation
Section 4 Continuous Traction
Chapter 4 Treatment with Chinese Medicinal Herbs, Functional Exercise, Anesthesia
and X-Ray Examination
Section 1 Principles of Treatment with Chinese Medicinal Herbs
Section 2 Functional Exercise
Section 3 Anesthesia
Section 4 X-Ray Examination
Chapter 5 Fractures and Dislocations of the Shoulder Joints
Section 1 Clavicular Fracture
Section 2 Surgical Neck Fracture of the Humerus
Section 3 Anatomical Neck Fracture of the Humerus
Section 4 Dislocation of the Shoulder Joint or Avulsion Fracture of the
Greater Tuberosity of the Humerus
Chapter 6 Fractures of the Upper Arm
Chapter 7 Fractures and Dislocations of the Elbow Joint
Section 1 Epicondylar Fracture of the Humerus
Section 2 Intracondylar Fracture of the Humerus
Section 3 Distal Epiphyseal Separation of the Humerus
Section 4 Internal Epicondylar Fracture of the Humerus
Section 5 External Condylar Fracture of the Humerus
Section 6 External and Internal Condylar Fractures of the Humerus Complicated
by Dislocation of the Elbow Joint
Section 7 Anterior Semi-Fracture of the Adult Humerus Capitulum
Section 8 Dislocation of the Elbow Joint
Section 9 Fracture of the Coronoid Process of the Ulna
Section 10 Olecranon Fracture
Section 11 Semi-Dislocation of the Infantile Radial Head
Section 12 Simple Dislocation of the Radial Head
Section 13 Fracture of the Radial Head
Chapter 8 Fractures and Dislocations of the Forearm
Section 1 1/3 Fracture of the Upper Ulna Complicated by Dislocation of the Upper
Ulnar and Radial Joint
Section 2 Fracture of Both the Ulna and the Radius
Section 3 Fracture of the Radial Shaft
Section 4 Fracture of the Ulnar Shaft
Section 5 1/3 Fracture of the Lower Radius Combined with Dislocation of the Lower Ulnar-Radial Joint
Chapter 9 Wrist Fractures and Dislocations
Section 1 Distal Fracture of the Radius
Section 2 Fracture of the Styloid Process of the Radius
Section 3 Distal Margin Fracture of the Radius Combined with Dislocation of
the Wrist Joint
Section 4 Fracture of the Navicular Bone
Section 5 Navicular Bone Fracture Compllicated by Separation of the Lower
Ulnar-Radial Joint
Section 6 Lunate Bone Dislocation or Navicular-Lunate Bone Dislocation
Section 7 Peripheral Dislocation of the Navicular-Lunate Bones
Chapter 10 Hand Fractures and Dislocations
Section 1 Basal Fracture of the First Metacarpal Bone and Complications Arising
from the Dislocation of the Carpometacarpal Joint
Section 2 Fracture of the Metacarpal Joint
Section 3 Fracture of the Digital Bone
Section 4 Dislocation of the Metacarpal-Digital Joint or Interdigital Joint
Chapter 11 Fracture and Dislocation of Hip Bone
Section 1 Fracture of the Femur Neck
Section 2 Inter-trochanteric Fractures of the Femur
Section 3 Dislocation of the Hip Joint
Section 4 Semi-Dislocation of the Sacro-Iliac Joint
Section 5 Infantile Semi-Dislocation of the Hip Joint
Chapter 12 Femoral Fractures
Chapter 13 Patellar Fractures
Section 1 Epicondylar Fracture of the Femur
Section 2 Inter-condylar Spinal Fractures of the Tibia
Section 3 Condylar Fracture of the Tibia
Section 4 Fracture of the Patella
Section 5 Tibial Tubercle Fracture
Chapter 14 Fractures of the Tibia and Fibula
Section 1 Fractures of the Tibia and Fibula
section 2 Fracture of the Tibial Shaft
Section 3 Fracture of the Fibular Shaft
Chapter 15 Malleolus Fracture and Dislocations
Section 1 Malleolus Fracture
Section 2 Fracture of the Talus
Chapter 16 Fratures and Dislocations of the Foot
Section 1 Calcaneus Fracture
Section 2 Frature of the Metatarsus and Complications Arising form Dislocation
of the Tarsometarsal Joint
Section 3 Infra-Astragalar Joint Dislocation
Section 4 Fractures of the Toes
Section 5 Tarsometatarsal or Interphalangeal Dislocation
Chapter 17 Fractures and Dislocations of the Trunk
Section 1 Fracture of the Ribs
Section 2 Fractures and Dislocations of the Spine
Section 3 Fractures of the Pelvis
Chapter 18 Abnormal Union, Retarded Union and Non-Union of Fractures
Section 1 The Course of Union and the Factors Affecting Union
Section 2 Abnormal Union
Section 3 Retarded Union
Section 4 Non-Union of Fractures
Chapter 19 Commonly Used Chinese Medicinal Herbs and Prescriptions for Traumatology and Orthopedics
Section 1 Commonly Used Chinese Medicinal Herbs
Section 2 Common Prescriptions for Traumatology
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