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Practical Traditional Chinese Medicine (Xie Zhufan)

Practical Traditional Chinese Medicine (Xie Zhufan)

The Atlas of Layered Anatomy of Acupoints (Gao Hualing)

The Atlas of Layered Anatomy of Acupoints (Gao Hualing)

Fracture Manipulation Treatment Illustrated (Yuan Fang; Li Zhaoguo)

Chapter 1 Bonesetting Manipulation

Section 1 The History of Bonesetting Manipulation

Section 2 Ancient Bonesetting Manipulation and Fixation Methods

Section 3 Twenty Methods of Bonesetting

Section 4 Several Points About the Syndrome-Differentiation of Bonesetting 


Section 5 The Essential Points and Cautions of Bonesetting

Chapter 2 The X-Ray Classification, Physical Deformity and Complications

 of Fractures

Section 1 X-Ray Manifestation of Fracture Classification

Section 2 Physical Deformity

Section 3 Common Complications Accompanying Fractures and Dislocations

Chapter 3 Methods of Fixation

Section 1 Fixation Devices in Ancient Times

Section 2 Splint Fixation

Section 3 Plaster-Bandage Fixation

Section 4 Continuous Traction

Chapter 4 Treatment with Chinese Medicinal Herbs, Functional Exercise, Anesthesia 

and X-Ray Examination

Section 1 Principles of Treatment with Chinese Medicinal Herbs

Section 2 Functional Exercise

Section 3 Anesthesia

Section 4 X-Ray Examination

Chapter 5 Fractures and Dislocations of the Shoulder Joints

Section 1 Clavicular Fracture

Section 2 Surgical Neck Fracture of the Humerus

Section 3 Anatomical Neck Fracture of the Humerus

Section 4 Dislocation of the Shoulder Joint or Avulsion Fracture of the 

Greater Tuberosity of the Humerus

Chapter 6 Fractures of the Upper Arm

Chapter 7 Fractures and Dislocations of the Elbow Joint

Section 1 Epicondylar Fracture of the Humerus

Section 2 Intracondylar Fracture of the Humerus

Section 3 Distal Epiphyseal Separation of the Humerus

Section 4 Internal Epicondylar Fracture of the Humerus

Section 5 External Condylar Fracture of the Humerus

Section 6 External and Internal Condylar Fractures of the Humerus Complicated

 by Dislocation of the Elbow Joint

Section 7 Anterior Semi-Fracture of the Adult Humerus Capitulum

Section 8 Dislocation of the Elbow Joint

Section 9 Fracture of the Coronoid Process of the Ulna

Section 10 Olecranon Fracture

Section 11 Semi-Dislocation of the Infantile Radial Head

Section 12 Simple Dislocation of the Radial Head

Section 13 Fracture of the Radial Head

Chapter 8 Fractures and Dislocations of the Forearm

Section 1 1/3 Fracture of the Upper Ulna Complicated by Dislocation of the Upper

 Ulnar and Radial Joint

Section 2 Fracture of Both the Ulna and the Radius

Section 3 Fracture of the Radial Shaft

Section 4 Fracture of the Ulnar Shaft

Section 5 1/3 Fracture of the Lower Radius Combined with Dislocation of the Lower Ulnar-Radial Joint

Chapter 9 Wrist Fractures and Dislocations

Section 1 Distal Fracture of the Radius

Section 2 Fracture of the Styloid Process of the Radius

Section 3 Distal Margin Fracture of the Radius Combined with Dislocation of 

the Wrist Joint

Section 4 Fracture of the Navicular Bone

Section 5 Navicular Bone Fracture Compllicated by Separation of the Lower

Ulnar-Radial Joint

Section 6 Lunate Bone Dislocation or Navicular-Lunate Bone Dislocation

Section 7 Peripheral Dislocation of the Navicular-Lunate Bones

Chapter 10 Hand Fractures and Dislocations

Section 1 Basal Fracture of the First Metacarpal Bone and Complications Arising

 from the Dislocation of the Carpometacarpal Joint

Section 2 Fracture of the Metacarpal Joint

Section 3 Fracture of the Digital Bone

Section 4 Dislocation of the Metacarpal-Digital Joint or Interdigital Joint

Chapter 11 Fracture and Dislocation of Hip Bone

Section 1 Fracture of the Femur Neck

Section 2 Inter-trochanteric Fractures of the Femur

Section 3 Dislocation of the Hip Joint

Section 4 Semi-Dislocation of the Sacro-Iliac Joint

Section 5 Infantile Semi-Dislocation of the Hip Joint

Chapter 12 Femoral Fractures

Chapter 13 Patellar Fractures

Section 1 Epicondylar Fracture of the Femur

Section 2 Inter-condylar Spinal Fractures of the Tibia

Section 3 Condylar Fracture of the Tibia

Section 4 Fracture of the Patella

Section 5 Tibial Tubercle Fracture

Chapter 14 Fractures of the Tibia and Fibula

Section 1 Fractures of the Tibia and Fibula

section 2 Fracture of the Tibial Shaft

Section 3 Fracture of the Fibular Shaft

Chapter 15 Malleolus Fracture and Dislocations

Section 1 Malleolus Fracture

Section 2 Fracture of the Talus

Chapter 16 Fratures and Dislocations of the Foot

Section 1 Calcaneus Fracture

Section 2 Frature of the Metatarsus and Complications Arising form Dislocation 

of the Tarsometarsal Joint

Section 3 Infra-Astragalar Joint Dislocation

Section 4 Fractures of the Toes

Section 5 Tarsometatarsal or Interphalangeal Dislocation

Chapter 17 Fractures and Dislocations of the Trunk

Section 1 Fracture of the Ribs

Section 2 Fractures and Dislocations of the Spine

Section 3 Fractures of the Pelvis

Chapter 18 Abnormal Union, Retarded Union and Non-Union of Fractures

Section 1 The Course of Union and the Factors Affecting Union

Section 2 Abnormal Union

Section 3 Retarded Union

Section 4 Non-Union of Fractures

Chapter 19 Commonly Used Chinese Medicinal Herbs and Prescriptions for Traumatology and Orthopedics

Section 1 Commonly Used Chinese Medicinal Herbs

Section 2 Common Prescriptions for Traumatology  


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