On Aug. 27, 2009, from , who has suffered from muscular atrophy

On Aug. 27, 2009, from , who has suffered from muscular atrophy and difficult walking and lack of power for one year, accompanied by the useless right hand and. After 29-day treatment here, the stiffness of the both arms disappeared and he could bend and stretch them freely. The gripping power of his both hands was obviously increased. He could raise the both arms freely. The muscular stiffness disappeared. MichaelPhilippinesThe pains of the right wrist, elbow and shoulder was stopped. The power of the both lower limbs was increased. He felt pretty good. His appetite was good. The sleeping was normal. His walks very freely.

Previous: On July 19, 2009, Gulrana, from Pakistan, who has suffered from stroke

Next: Sep. 7, 2009, Mr. X from Spain, who has suffered from neurasthenia