Grassleaved Sweetflag Rhizome (shi chang pu)Rhyzxoma Acori Graminei For all details about the order arrangement, pls. reach us via email at Pungent and bitter in flav...
Tabasheer (tian zhu huang)Concretio Silicea BambusaeFor all details about the order arrangement, pls. reach us via email at It is sweet in flavour and cold in nature. It is tro...
Japanese Beauty-Berry (zi zhu)Folium Callivarpae NudifloraeFor all details about the order arrangement, pls. reach us via email at The herb is bitter and puckery in flavou...
Field Thistle (xiao ji)Herba CephalanoplorisFor all details about the order arrangement, pls. reach us via email at The herb is sweet and bitter in flavour, cool in nature, act...
Citron Fruit (xiang yuan)Fructus CitriFor all details about the order arrangement, pls. reach us via email at The herb is pungent, slightly bitter and sour in flavour, and warm...
Oriental Wormwood (yin chen hao)Herba Artemisiae CapillarisFor all details about the order arrangement, pls. reach us via email at The herb is bitter in flavour, and cold in na...
Genkwa (yuan hua)Flos GenkwaFor all details about the order arrangement, pls. reach us via email at Pungent and bitter in flavour, cold in nature, being poisonous, it acts on t...
Fresh Ginger (sheng jiang)Rhizoma Zingiberis RecensFor all details about the order arrangement, pls. reach us via email at Ginger is pungent in flavour, slightly warm in n...